Comprehension Test 1
Read the passage carefully and answer the questions that follows:
Leadership studies are an emergent discipline, and the concept of leadership will continue to change. Leadership lore is defined as an influence relationship among leaders and followers who want real change and outcomes that reflect their shared purpose. Leadership involves influence. It occurs among people; those people who intentionally desire significant changes, and the changes reflect purpose shared by the leaders and their followers.
Influence means that the relationship among people is not passive; however, also part of this definition is that influence is multidirectional. It does not use orders or threats to make somebody do something. The basic cultural values in America make it easiest to think of leadership as something a leader does to a follower. However, leadership has an effect in both directions. In most organizations, superiors influence subordinates, but subordinates also influence superiors. The people involved in the relationship want real and important changes- leadership involves creating change, not maintaining what normally happens. In addition, the changes sought are not dictated by leaders, but reflect purposes that leaders and followers share. Moreover, change is toward an outcome that the leaders and follower both want; a desired future or shared purpose that motivates them toward this more preferable outcome. An important aspect of leadership is influencing others to come together around a common vision. Thus, leadership involves the influence of people to bring about change toward a desirable future.
1. What should be the outcome of leadership actions?
(a) Movement towards common vision of the leader and the followers
(b) Movement towards the vision of the leader
(c) Movement towards the vision of the majority
(d) Strengthening of the authority of leaders
2. “Leadership studies are an emerging discipline”, means:
(a) Leadership studies are a valid field of research
(b) Leadership studies are an established field
(c) Leadership studies is an elaborate field
(d) Leadership studies is an evolving domain of scholarship
3. The concept of leadership discussed in this passage is
(a) Exceptional
(b) Horizontal
(c) Individualistic
(d) Verticle-topdown
4. What is the main theme of this passage?
(a) Argument about leadership
(b) Explanation of leadership construct
(c) Models of leadership
(d) Pros and cons of leadership
5. What variables are used for defining leadership?
(a) Power to affect relationship and desire for change in the true sense of the team
(b) Power to change and control
(c) Power to effect and desire for mandated change
(d) Power to get things done quickly by influence
1. Option (c) is correct.
The outcomes of leadership and the main motive of leadership is to motivate the followers to work as a team. Leaders try to generalize the goals of the organization and the followers.
2. Option (d) is correct.
Leadership studies is an evolving domain of scholarship.
3. Option (b) is correct.
Horizontal leadership is a form of leadership which is closely associated with participatory and democratic leadership. In this form leaders work as a mentor and motivator. They invite the point of views of the subordinates and motivate them to work as a team.
4. Option (b) is correct.
The main theme of the passage is fully dependent on a good leadership power.
5. Option (a) is correct.
According to the passage, leadership should work to develop team spirit and it should have the power to affect relationships and desire of followers to work for the team.