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Paper 2 Unit 4 : Topic Wise Tests

1. Community Information Services.[NA]
2. Reference Service – Concept and Types; Referral Services
3. Alerting Services - CAS, SDI, Inter Library Loan and Document Delivery.
4. Mobile based Library Services and Tools – Mobile OPAC, Mobile Databases, Mobile Library Website, Library Apps, Mobile Library Instructions, Augmented Reality , SMS Alerts, Geo-Location, Reference Enquiry.
5. Web 2.0 and 3.0 - Library 2.0- Concept, Characteristics, Components; Instant Messaging, RSS Feeds, Podcasts, Vodcasts, Ask a Librarian
6. Collaborative Services- Social Networks, Academics Social Networks, Social Tagging, Social Bookmarking.
7. Web – Scale Discovery Services
8. National Information Systems and Networks: NISCAIR, DESIDOC, SENDOC, ENVIS, INFLIBNET, DELNET, NICNET, ERNET, National Knowledge Network (NKN), Biotechnology Information System Network
9. International Information Systems and Networks: INIS, AGRIS, INSPEC, MEDLARS, BIOSIS, ERIC, Patent Information System (PIS), Biotechnology Information System (BIS).
10. Library Resource Sharing and Library Consortia – National and International

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